Home News Smog - What causes air pollution
Over the years, dust pollution has become an obsession to the health and daily life of every citizen. "Dust Eating, drinking, sleeping dust" has long been not a problem too alien to the people of the capital.

In Hanoi, the monitoring results showed that the concentration of dust and gas unusually high in recent years. Hot time longer than, accompanied by the heavy pollution days in the dry season. Dust and gas began to rise from nightfall until 2 - 3 am. Dust pollution, particularly in Hanoi, in addition to the direct impact on human health also cause great damage such as reduced crop yields, affect ecosystems, damage to equipment, loss of life and works affecting the infrastructure. The economic damage can be quantified in monetary terms with the damage estimated at 200 - 500 billion (12 - 31 million) a year.

Dust due to urbanization

There are many causes lead to increased dust, but according to experts, one of the underlying causes leading to environmental pollution is the irrational industrial layout. In addition, the state of infrastructure is still insufficient, has led to overcrowding, traffic congestion. In particular, there are many dilapidated vehicles from the road, lead to smoke, dust cause a severe environmental pollution.

In addition, over the Hanoi area, there are thousands of large and small construction sites under construction, tens of thousands of m2 of road been digging every month. Where construction work is in that dust. Looking at the sky smoke street dust scared. Therefore, the vast majority of people walking the street motorcycle from decades always use a mask because of excessive dust.

Dust caused by human

But sometimes, the people who caused the smoke and dust, affect their own health and cause environmental pollution. Every summer period to, in the suburbs, we again saw people burning rice straw.

Straw burning caused the smoke Hanoi

Out the smoke has had, first sitting destroy villages also smoke, sitting in the open smoke, smoke everywhere. Burning straw not only material waste of natural resources, but also pollute the environment, traffic safety (by smoke makes visibility is limited). According to scientists, dust combustion of straw air pollution, causing great harm to human health. Children, the elderly, and people with respiratory disease, chronic disease, the most vulnerable. It is well known that, the growing social, straw fuel is no longer primarily in rural areas due to other alternative fuels such as: electricity, gas, coal ... but not so that the people burning rice straw such environmental pollution.

Or dust as well as the eating habits of people. Every afternoon, on the pavement of the streets, we again encounter a beach restaurant with barbecue mainstream. Air of barbecue smoke emitted in smoke car, the space around the blind everywhere in smoke.

Imagine, each frequency dimension, fork intersection stuck with hundreds of thousands of motorcycles, automobiles, buses ... same standstill exhaust smoke, the screams, the sound of horns, beating the trunk, but could not escape the crowded. Alas, acrid our eyes because of the smoke.