Home News To delay the mandatory labeling for energy saving air conditioning to 01/7/2013
On 14/01/2013, Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai signed Decision 03/2013/QD-tTG time changes made ​​mandatory labeling energy savings, including air conditioning machines to date01/7/2013

January 14, 2013, Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai has signed Decision 03/2013/QD-tTG amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decision 51/2011/QD-TTG "Listing Rules means and equipment shall be labeled energy, subject to the minimum energy efficiency and implementation roadmap. "

Earlier, Decision 51/2011/QD-TTg September 12, 2011 of the Prime Minister set for home appliances and industrial equipment, energy labeling will be done in the form of voluntarily to the end of December 31, 2012. Since 01/01/2013, the producers, import of equipment on mandatory energy efficiency labeling.


Ministry of Industry and Trade has organized many seminars, study the construction of legal documents, documentation to promote labeling program.

In particular, the group of industrial equipment including distribution transformers and electric motors. Group appliances include: straight tube fluorescent lamps, compact fluorescent lamps, electronic ballasts, electronic fluorescent lights, air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines used in family, rice cooker electric fans, electric fans, television.

However, based on the actual situation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has proposed extension of 6 to 12 months according to the schedule. Proposed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade has been Deputy Prime Minister formally adopted January 14, 2013 at Decision 03 / 2013/QD - TTG.


Leaflets promoting energy labeling program and implementation schedule

Accordingly, since July 1, 2013 implementation in the form of mandatory labeling for the household appliance, including: straight tube fluorescent lamps, electronic ballasts and electronic fluorescent lights, air conditioners temperature cage washer standing family use, electric cooker, electric fans and industrial equipment group consisting of 3-phase distribution transformers, electric motors. Implementation of energy labeling mandatory from January 1, 2014 for refrigerators, washing machines, horizontal cage, television.

The decision also stated that since January 1, 2015 are not allowed to import and manufacture of energy efficient equipment is lower than the minimum energy performance.

Phuong Hoang Kim, director of the Office of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Industry and Trade said, "Right now, the Ministry of Industry and Trade are processing about 100 registration dossiers labeled energy. On the business side due to the urgent shy so new applicants. In particular, many businesses reflect common due to the difficult economic situation, large inventory up ahead of time consumption mandatory energy labeling. Ministry of Industry and Trade exchange and dialogue businesses saw the need for time-term roadmap in the form of energy labeling mandatory. Ministry of Industry and Trade has reviews and post comments ministries including the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Finance and the Prime Minister for an extension of time implement energy labeling required ".

When 51/2011/QD-TTg decision is issued, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has organized many seminars, study the construction of legal documents, documentation to promote labeling program. To date, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has done for 155 energy labeling of household products in the field of 35 units produced and imported products as balast to save electricity, straight tube fluorescent lamps, compact fluorescent light bulbs, electric fans, rice cookers, air conditioners.