Home News Industrial Vacuum Cleaners
INDUSTRIAL DUST is one particular sector has been involved in the process of production support in order to protect human health and improve labor productivity.

INDUSTRIAL DUST is one particular sector has been involved in the process of production support in order to protect human health and improve labor productivity.

INDUSTRIAL DUST also depend on the characteristics of each sector should INDUSTRIAL DUST systems have many kinds of power: 5HP, 10HP, 15HP, 20Hp ...

INDUSTRIAL DUST system will include a number of devices such as: Pipelines wind, dust equipment, Exhaust and some other accessories ...

Instructions on how to install the system INDUSTRIAL DUST as follows:

B1 - Install dust filter, dust contained

B2 - Installation of Exhaust

B3 - Mounting System The main duct, suction side wind in point ...

B4 - Install gearbox system boot to the power supply.