Home Technical support The note when buying long-term industrial fans
Industrial fans are very handy, but the consumer is still little understanding knowledge of industrial fans. many useless people are wondering where to buy industrial fans, how? When buy industrial fans need to pay attention to what? Here are a few points to keep in mind when you buy industrial fans

Industrial fans are very handy, but the consumer is still little understanding knowledge of industrial fans. many useless people also wondering should choose to buy industrial fans like? When buy industrial fans need to pay attention to what? Here are a few points to keep in mind when you buy industrial fans

When you select industrial fans need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Noise
  • Rotational Speed
  • Flow characteristics such as: flow, pressure, temperature range
  • Changes in operating conditions
  • Limitations of space and layout system
  • Procurement costs, operating costs (determined by the performance and maintenance), active life.

In which:

  • Flow of the fan speed to ensure to create a gas pipeline, at taking smoke, gas heat exchanger ...
  • Head: is necessary fan-generated pressure to overcome the resistance of the entire system
  • Working conditions and technological characteristics of the fan: the working environment, corrosion resistance, high temperature ...
  • To reduce operating costs, the performance of the fan is placed on top of high performance element will save on electricity costs.
  • Want to improve the performance enhancement of the system fans, experts design and operational staff to understand the function of the devices in the system.

Do not buy too big fan needs to use:

- Large fan will not operate at maximum efficiency point (BEP) and in some cases, the fan works unstable because of work on the pressure-flow characteristics of the fan.

- Causing a more energy

- High noise and increase the fan and system stress.

- Investment costs and higher operating

- Can cause system malfunctions. they also cause the system to replace the fan malfunctions, replace the engine, or use the stepless control.

For convenience in the course of use, the following are important things you should know when to buy industrial fans.